The Giftcard Object

id string

Unique ID for the giftcard.

shortId string

Short unique ID for the giftcard.

accessToken string

Token that you will need to act on this giftcard.

balance int

The current balance (money amount) of the giftcard. Think of it as an account balance for the giftcard; it indicates the remaining money amount left on the giftcard. A positive integer representing a money amount in the smallest currency unit (say 100 cents instead of 1 EUR).

availableBalance int

The available balance (money amount) of the giftcard. This is like the balance, but it regards transactions on the giftcard that are currently on hold. In contrary, the balance only reflects confirmed transactions. The available balance indicates the funds currently available for redeeming. You cannot redeem a giftcard with an amount exceeding this amount.

A positive integer representing a money amount in the smallest currency unit (say 100 cents instead of 1 EUR).

initialAmount int

The initial (starting amount) of the giftcard. This is a static value that never changes.

A positive integer representing a money amount in the smallest currency unit (say 100 cents instead of 1 EUR).

activation object A sub-object with a context that sets parameters for how this giftcard can be activated (sale). See Giftcard Activation Context.

currency string

ISO 4217 - Alphabetic code, 3 characters. For example 'EUR' for Euro, 'USD' for U.S. Dollar., etc..

expectedAction string

The (next) action that is allowed and expected on this giftcard. This is any one value of [ "activate" | "redeem" | "none" ]. If "activate", then the balance is0and the transactions field is empty. If this value is "redeem", then the giftcard's balance is >0 so that redeeming is still possible. If this value is "none" then no further transactions can be performed on this giftcard.

authorizedActions list of strings

A list of actions that you as the API consumer are allowed to perform on this giftcard. Possible elements in this list are "activate" and "redeem".

If "activate" is a member of this list, then the API is signaling you that you are authorized to activate this giftcard. If the expectedAction field on this giftcard also has a value of "activate", you can move to activate the gift card. If "redeem" is a member of this list, then the API is signaling you that you are authorized to redeem this giftcard. If the expectedAction field on this giftcard also has a value of "redeem", you can move to redeem this gift card by starting a transaction intent.

issuedByZmyle bool Indicates if this giftcard was issued by zmyle or not. If true (issued by zmyle), then the funds for this giftcard are also managed by zmyle. If false then the giftcard funds are managed by the retailer themselves.

transactions list of objects

A list of transactions that have occurred on this giftcard.

campaignBoost object optional Info on a giftcard campaign. This sub-object is optional and is only present if this giftcard is eligible to receive a balance-boost from an active giftcard campaign. See Giftcard Campaign Boost Info.

Giftcard Activation Context

Giftcard Activation Context

isDynamicAmount bool Identifies if this giftcard allows activations with custom amounts.

amount int The proposed, initial amount of the gift card.

A positive integer representing a money amount in the smallest currency unit (say 100 cents instead of 1 EUR). Set to 0 for giftcards that allow dynamic activation amounts.

minAmount int The min. amount that this giftcard can be activated with.

A positive integer representing a money amount in the smallest currency unit (say 100 cents instead of 1 EUR).

maxAmount int The max. amount that this giftcard can be activated with.

A positive integer representing a money amount in the smallest currency unit (say 100 cents instead of 1 EUR).

Giftcard Campaign Boost Info

Giftcard Campaign Boost Info

campaignId string The ID of the campaign.

boostFlavorId string The ID of the specific boost.

currency string ISO 4217 - Alphabetic code, 3 characters. For example 'EUR' for Euro, 'USD' for U.S. Dollar., etc..

hasFunds bool Indicates if this campaign still has funds.

rate number Percentage for boost amount (0.0 .. 1.0). Multiplied by the activation amount of the giftcard. Combined with fixed is the total boost amount.

fixed int Fixed money amount for boost amount. Combined with rate is the total boost amount.

minBoostAmount int The minimum balance boost amount, as a lower bound.

maxBoostAmount int The maximum balance boost amount, as an upper bounds.

minCreditAmount int The minimum activation amount that this campaign applies to, as a lower bound.

maxCreditAmount int The maximum activation amount that this campaign applies to, as an upper bound.

startDate string Campaign start date. Dates are strings in ISO-8601 format yyyyMMdd'T'hhmmss'Z' and are always in UTC.

endDate string Campaign end date. Dates are strings in ISO-8601 format yyyyMMdd'T'hhmmss'Z' and are always in UTC.

giftcardFundsExpireAt date optioanl Date at which the boost amount would expire if the giftcard funds remain untouched. Dates are strings in ISO-8601 format yyyyMMdd'T'hhmmss'Z' and are always in UTC.

teaser string optional Teaser text for the campaign.

legalInfo string optional Legal information for the campaign.

Last updated